09:28 0 Comments

To Burn with desire and keep quiet about it, is the greatest punishment one can bring on himself. F.G. lotrca .
James Petterson said, what's worse than knowing you want something besides knowing you can never have it.

Too many people are worried about, What will he say, what will she say, will they even love me in return? Others take the step and end up heart broken. We should therefore know this, somethings just won't work no matter how badly we wish they would, but then it's okay to walk away from people who hurts us.

According to Wikipedia,UNREQUITED love is a one- sided love, and a one- sided love is one that is not understood or fully understood by a beloved. The beloved may not even be aware of the admirers deep and strong romantic affection, or consciously reject it. This is the reason I said, somethings are not meant to work.

We must understand that love is a Gift one needs to receive. If not received by the beloved you should MOVE ON. They are not just into you, but then you will find someone else that can give you back this gift Called LOVE. Don't be stuck with an UNREQUITED love because you will end up loving someone that will never and can never love you.

Again I ask who do you love? UNREQUITED love leaves us with a broken heart, a wounded spirit and we feel devastated. UNREQUITED love will eat you Alive if you are not careful, but there's good news, our heart constantly REBUILDS, some of us don't want to heal, you feel guilty for loving someone that don't love you in return, you ask yourself, how did I come about loving you so much, yet you feel nothing for me, how can I even stop thinking about you.

Friends, you need to acknowledge the fact that you are wounded, sometimes in the realm of love we lose or we gain, it's better you know this UNREQUITED love is a loss, so you can start to heal. To be continued.

Love is a dance, it takes Patience, Time and Practise to get the steps Right.

Praise flower
Love talk with praise.


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